Tuesday, May 29, 2012

RFSC wk 9 and GFCTC wk 7 update

Hello All,  Sorry this is a day late.  I was out of town all weekend.

Last week: 205.6
This week: 204
Loss: 1.6

I was sick all week so I didn't get my runs in, but I walked around my parents house a lot this weekend.  A lot of  my extended family on my moms side got together and had a campout at my moms.  It was fun, but I did eat a lot more than I normally eat this weekend.  I will have to be mindful of that this week and work harder to get my exercise in.  The challenges are both in their final week and I want to end strong.  I hope everyone had a great long weekend and good luck in this final week of the challenge.


  1. Good loss. Here's hoping you have a great final week in this challenge. :)

  2. You still did great-especially for a holiday weekend!! :)

    I have just kinda dropped out of the challenge-I got within 3 pounds of my weight goal and reached my NSV AND got busy!

    You have done well-keep it up! :)


  3. Hope you're feeling better! Good luck for the final week :)
