Sunday, November 27, 2011

CDCC Update Week 11

Thanksgiving was wonderful.  We all met up at my Aunt's house for a lovely meal and fellowship.  I ate one plate of all the things I wanted and I didn't feel guilty about it.  I did not go back for seconds and I had a small slice of the two pieces.  The guys played a game of risk and there was a puzzle to work on too. We ended the day with a little more time at my moms house.

Friday we slept in and then decided to go do a little shopping.  We didn't leave the house until about 9am so by the time we got to the store it was pretty normal.  No craziness to be had.  We went to Big Lots where we found some packs of batteries for $5 with a $5 mail in rebate so they are going to be free.  Woohoo.  We also found a blow up penguin to go on the lawn for Christmas.  Then we went to Target.  Target was a little busier than normal and there were quite  few people in the electronics section and 2-day bin areas, but other than that nothing special.  We ate some lunch and the rest of the day was lounging around.

But, by the end of the day I started to feel a little off. TMI the rest of this paragraph.  By about 9pm I was sick with flu like symptoms.  I was like that until about 6am. (on and off)  Two times during that time I felt as if I was going to pass out.  It was no fun at all.  I spent all of Saturday on the couch just feeling blah.  Saturday night my son was sick.  It passed pretty quickly in comparison to mine and wasn't as severe, but man it was no fun.

So, after reading that last paragraph you will know why my weight is what it is.

Last week: 224.2
This week: 220.6
Loss this week: 3.6 pounds

I really like seeing the lower number, but to bad it had to come at the price of me feeling bad.  I'm not sure if all of it will keep this week, but we will see.

I haven't tried on my CDCC skirt or shirt yet, but I don't plan on doing it until the end of the challenge.  My water intake hasn't been the greatest the last couple of days.  I did read a little more in my book and I left comments on everyone's blog this past week.

I hope we all finish these last few weeks of the challenge strong because even when the challenge is over we still have work to do and have to keep striving to reach our goals.  Have a great week everyone.


  1. I am glad you are feeling better. I have the start of a cold and hope it just stays light and goes away fast, won't promise anything.
    Take care and stay healthy. Blessings my friend!!

  2. The one good thing about being sick is the weight loss. Too bad it doesn't stay off!

  3. Get your fluids in!! Especially after being so ill!!!!

    I am not a water person. One of the hardest things I had to learn in the last year (at the age of 50) was to drink enough fluids. I just hate drinking water. But these days, I make a lot of decaf green tea, I make it weak, I add lime juice or TrueLime and guzzle it. Sweetened or unsweetened, it's just easier to get down than water. So is decaf coffee.

    But I do refill my water pitcher and get some down. It's just habit now...but I still don't like DRiNKING it hahahahah

    Happy, healthier new week to you. Hope you hang on to your loss (although sometimes the fluid rebounds). I remember losing 7 pounds nearly overnight when I got food poisoning. Ah, it almost all came back. :(

  4. I hope you are feeling better & that your loss sticks, you should get something good out of it:-).

  5. I'm so sorry you were sick! Being sick stinks, doesn't it?

    Great loss - keep it up!

  6. so sorry to hear that you have been sick! i hope that you get to feeling better quickly! your last like is so true and a great reminder to always be working toward our goals!
