Sunday, November 6, 2011

CDCC Update Week 8 and 5k Race Recap

Hello everyone.  Here are my stats:

CDCC start weight: 235.8
Last week weight: 226.4
This week weight: 225.6
Loss this week: .8
Loss so far during CDCC challenge: 10.2 pounds

I'm pretty proud of that.  I hope this next week will be good.  I have indulged a little in the last few days and tomorrow is my birthday so I'll have to step up the exercise some this week.

Speaking of exercise, today was my first official 5k.  It was a nice cold run at about 50 degrees with rain threatening to pour on us.  The first half of the course involved going up a slowly increasing hill which means there was lots of walking for me.   I certainly didn't expect hills and I came along side another racer and she said all she needed to do was finish and I said I just hoped to finish in 45 minutes.  She said that was her goal too.  The second half of the course was getting to go down a gradual downhill.  Yeah for downhill.  That is also where our only water stop was.  The water was super cold and refreshing after doing the hills.  I did a lot of run/walk intervals the rest of the way back. The final sprint section of the finish line was back uphill though so that made for a slower sprint to the finish line. I finished in 42.11.

That is a better time then my Run the Hood Virtual 5k on 10/22 which I completed with a time of 45:42.  It felt good to run with other people. My husband ran his first 10k today and finished with a time of 48:57.  His best 10k time on his own was 52 minutes so he really pushed himself today.

My parents were at the finish line with my kids and even got a video of me coming in to finish the race.  It was really nice to have someone waiting for me.  The rain didn't start up until after we had both finished our races and they were doing the 1st-3rd place trophies for the 5k when decided there was no way either of us got a medal so we left.  You see, they hadn't put up the official race times for the 10k yet so when they finally showed up online this afternoon we found out my husband finished 1st in his age division.  There ended up only being 3 people in his division.  I really hope they mail him the trophy or call him up and see if he wants to come get it.  That would be really cool to have.

I don't really have much else to say since I just did a good update on my book and all.  So have a great week everyone and make good choices.


  1. Thats awesome! You did a great job! Be proud of yourself! And your husband!!! Heres to a great week!

  2. EXCELLENT!!! I am proud of you Denise. You did awesome. I am so very proud of you!! Take care and God Bless!!

  3. That's a great time on your race, Denise! You're doing a wonderful job!

  4. That is a very decent time on your 5K! Keep up the good work, and have a great week!

  5. That's a solid loss. Nearly a pound. Be proud of it.

    And I hope your birthday was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!

    Here's to another good week. Or hey, EVEN BETTER!

  6. Fabulous job on the 5k & same to your hubby on the 10k!
