Sunday, October 9, 2011

CDCC Week 4 update

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Mine was nice and I feel I got things accomplished this weekend.  However I did eat to much at my parents house last night.  We went over there for dinner and I just over did it.  So today my weigh in is 230.6.  Last weeks weigh in was 233 so that is a loss of 2.4 pounds.  If you have been following my Shrinkvivior posts too that means I'm up .6 pounds from Wednesday, but who's counting.  I'm still down 2.4 from last weeks CDCC weigh in.  So go me!!

I had a non scale victory this week though.  I fit into a smaller size pair of jeans.  Woohoo.  I have one more smaller size one in my closet and I can't wait until I fit into them.

I am doing my best to keep up on my water.  I struggle the most on the weekend.  I am didn't read my book this weekend, but otherwise I'm caught up.

My exercise is going well.  I did Yoga for the first time this week and I did two of my 5k in 100 days workouts.  I actually jogged more than I walked today.  That's another accomplishment for me.  I actually ran for 9 minutes for three of my intervals and the other interval was 8 minutes.  My next run/walk will be 10 minute intervals.  I still can't believe I'm running for that long at one time.

I think I commented on everyone's CDCC update last week and I hope to get to many this week as well.


  1. Congrats on a most excellent loss and working out. This is great!!!! Keep going!!!

  2. Oh wow - your exercise is great!! Have a wonderful week!

  3. YEAH!!! Great loss. Keep up the great work. Some times it is hard to get the reading in but you will. And Yeah!! for your running.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  4. You did aweomse this week. Keep up the great work. Take care and have a blessed week.

  5. Great loss! Congrats on more jogging than walking, that is major! I love those NSVs, my jeans have been such a huge motivator too. :) Keep doing great!

  6. Way to go Denise! congrats on the loss and the gain in time running/jogging!

  7. Woohoo! For the smaller jeans! You did indeed have a great week in exercise. See, it pays off. And who wouldn't overeat their mother's cooking?? You're forgiven for that one. Have another great week!

  8. I'm in group 4 of the 5Kin100days. I'm only up to the 3 minutes of running and it's kicking my butt! I've seriously never ran before or barely even exercised so I am the epitome of the "beginner". Sounds like you're doing awesome! I can't believe you're up to 9 minutes! I can't even imagine! :-)

  9. You were the winner of my giveaway. Please check out my latest post and email me at

  10. Great loss! I only weighing once a week, on Sunday, so I use that weigh in for Shrinkvivor too.... it saves me fringe ing to deal with daily fluctuations:-). You had a good loss & look at you go with the running!!
