Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shrinkvivor Week 1 and CDCC update

Today is the first weekly update for Shrinkvivor.  Our challenge for the week was to log our exercise minutes.  The team with the most minutes would get the immunity idol for the week and could not be voted off to Exile Island.  I know our group did not win this week because I read a blog from The Voices Within Unleashed and she completed almost as many exercise minutes as my whole tribe combined.  However, she lost less than a pound.  How is that possible??  Maybe next week she will show a huge loss from all the exercise this week.  Anyway, I completed 150 minutes of exercise this week.  It’s not great, but it is what it is.  This week we will have the same exercise minutes challenge.  I am confident this week I will put in more exercise.
The mini challenge last week was to not eat any fast food.  This challenge was a success for me.  Even when I went to the fair I didn’t eat the food.  This week our mini challenge is to get good rest, aiming for at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  This isn’t a problem for me.  I do this every day already.  This used to be a problem when my daughter would wake up every night and want to sleep with me, but she has been doing great at night.  Lord, please help this to continue! 
So here is the best news….I lost 4 pounds this week.  WHAT!!!  ME lose 4 pounds in one week.  Crazy, that never happens.  I am lucky to lose up to 1.8 pounds in a week. I was really hesitant about posting this as my loss this week because I’m afraid the scale is being wacky and next week I’ll show a gain.  I mean I weighed on Sunday for CDCC and I was at 233.  Three days later I’m 230.  Weird!  I guess I’m going to have to really stay on my game this week to be sure that there is no gain next week.  I know it’s not required, but I took a picture this week too since I couldn’t believe my loss this week.
The CDCC challenge is going well obviously from my paragraphs above.  I am a little behind on my book 100 Days of Weight Loss, but I’m only 5 days behind right now.  The last few days’ information hasn’t really pertained to me, but it might help someone else. 
Day 14 – Morning affects evening – make sure you are eating breakfast because if you aren’t you are more likely to eat more later in the day and graze throughout and ultimately eat more than if you just started your day right with a good breakfast.
Day 15 – First Two Bites – This chapter states that the first two bites of food will taste the best no matter how many bites you take after that. If you want a brownie take time to savor the first two bites, then decide if you really need the rest of it.  Do the bites taste any better than the first two bites, did it satisfy the craving.  She encourages you to take the first two bites and get rid of the rest. 
Day  17 – Stop Wasting Food – This whole principal is for those who have the mindset that you have to finish all the food on your plate. If you are full part way through your meal you should stop eating.  Your body is satisfied and you don’t need the rest.  You are wasting the rest of the food by eating it because your body doesn’t need it, it’s already satisfied.  If you think you are wasting food when you don’t eat it remind yourself that by eating it you are still wasting it and just adding calories to be stored as fat.
I’m caught up to day20 (I read 7 days today on my lunch break), but I should be at day 25.  I’ll try to remedy that in the next couple of days.
Water consumption is improving a little.  I still struggle with getting at least 8 glasses of water in, but I’m trying.  Each day is a new day and a new chance to stay on the correct path.  I need to remember Mir’s picture of the butterfly(which I posted on the sidebar) and how I have 3 months left to transform this year.  I do WANT to transform as much as possible. 


  1. Wow! 4lb loss! That's fantastic! It seems your body is loving however many minutes you're putting in on exercise. Keep it up!

  2. I say 150 minutes is great! I like the "first two bites" concept. What is CDCC?

    Good luck next week!

  3. Congrats on the loss!! I know how you feel about not wanting it to jump back up, but even if it does a little, you know you're going in the right direction - lower and lower!

  4. Jill, CDCC is the Christmas Dress Countdown Challenge I'm participating in over at

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone.

  6. awesome loss!!! I wish I could hit a number like that, I dont get in enough exercise right now. You are doing a GREAT job with exercise seriously! Keeo it up so you can keep seeing results like these.
