Thursday, July 7, 2011

Better Decisions

After work yesterday I met my husband and kids for dinner at Sizzler.  Now I’m sure most people trying to eat better and smaller portions tend to stay away from the buffet type restaurants, but not me.  I ordered the steak and veggie plate which included the salad bar.  I think I made pretty good choices at the salad bar and I am proud to say I didn’t partake in the dessert bar.  I was full and didn’t feel the need to overstuff myself just to have some ice cream.  In past buffet experiences I would have eaten the ice cream even if I was full.  It was a conscience effort on my part to not eat the ice cream.  I did think about it, but controlled myself.  I think this is a huge step for me.  If I can continue to fight the urges or impulse foods then I will be all the more successful with my weight loss goals.
I got up this morning and did my 25 min walk/run.  I only did (3) 90 second runs during that time though.  My right knee has been hurting during/after I run.  As much as I want to run and run longer my knee is holding me back.  Maybe tomorrow I will go for a bike ride instead.

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